Friday, May 05, 2006

Lightning Up!

Goooooood Day everyone!!!!
This is exam time at the LCB Teacher Training college.......a challenging feat! I now usually find myself having some skirmishes with photocopies, books, and annotations about all the juicy subjects that all teachers there kindly try to share with us. Ahead lies some remaining exams, and ahead I will follow.
I don't seem to have trouble with time as yet. I have even enrolled in a seminar to take place tomorrow at Lenguas Vivas, and plan to attend the remaining ones (yes, even that seminar which our TofE and Developmental Psychology teacher -Dearest Gladys- is giving in some months!).
Dear friends, challenges are looming ahead, and I feel there is no time for caution now, it is time for daring! Hope this light of mine be contageous, just as an encouraging virus..........

Note: a million thanks to Gladys for her commentary on 'Fledglings', which inspired me to write this. And to all fellow students at LCB for making my staying there much happier!


At 12:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pablo!! Congratulations!! Your blog is great!! I didn´t know we had a "poet" among our students.
You are the kind of student that teach us what being a teacher is.
I want to thank Gladys Baya for recommending me this blog.
Looking forward to the next one.

Maria Julia Hijano (School Organization Teacher)

At 12:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are a great helper and a great co-worker (in a way)!!!
May I say that this blog is excellent!!!
Don´t give up!!!


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