Monday, April 24, 2006 Sensitivity

After having passed this first month at LCB -just a little bit over a month!! phew.....what a content-filled one!!-, trying to make and enjoy new friendships, which I'm sure will become colleagues in the years to come, I am just beginning to feel fully submerged into subtleties which seem to deepen by the hour. Someone out there would think I am rushing things, or that I am getting in muddy waters, but again, I feel there is an underlying sense of connection, of integrity that I want to share.
From discovering mountains in the Highlands of Scotland, to running half-naked through phonetic symbols, from dissecting clauses to plunging into innatism, from parading aspects of language to overwhelming beauty of teaching and learning, there is a heartbeat under my feet that is keeping my passion alive. Share yours with me.

.....I crave for Sense, to endure challenges to come........and crave for Sensitivity to recognise and accept the answers that lie ahead.

Note: 20 years after Chernobyl, these two words grow up in meaning to become blinding lights all over us. Remember Chernobyl. Remember Life.


At 9:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How are you Pablo?.

Really nice blog, very interesting!. Feel free to drop some lines about any subject then I'll be here reading and thanks for sharing your wisdom every class... I always wait for you comments! =)

Thanks for your frienship.
Take care!

~ Agustín

At 11:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pablo, I didn´t know we had such a good writer among our students... or should I say "poet"?
Congrats! You are the kind of students that have a lot to teach us!!Thank you

At 7:35 AM, Blogger Pablo Pecorelli said...

Thank you, Julia!!! This is just a humble attempt to show my feelings.....your encouraging remarks make me just humbler than I'm now. I'm happy to belong to the community of teachers-to-be, and I'm just happy to know that this fire in me is unquenchable.

Thank you very much, dearie!!

At 5:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Pablo
I was really happy to learn we have such a sensitive being among us.As a teacher I can't miss the opportunity to tell you that things like this gives us the necessary stamina and hope to keep at it better than ever. The way you managed to describe so vivid experiences in such a short time left me speechless. Teachers also need be motivated and amazed by comments like yours. Thanks a lot
Adriana Vocaturo

At 1:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Pablo,
I am absolutely fascinated by your feelings and how you express them. You are a poet! It is a pleasure to have you and your classmates as students. I hope this institution will be up to your expectations and that we will give you as much as you give us.
All the best,
Silvia De Pierro

At 8:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Pablo,
I cannot but express admiration for your words and enthusiasm. I hope we can go on sharing this learning experience with you that I am sure will be challenging but most rewarding.
Keep your curiosity and hunger for learning! This will be essential in your teacher career.
All the best,
Fernanda Velázquez

At 7:19 AM, Blogger Pablo Pecorelli said...

That's the word, Fernanda!!! As my neuronal connections get better, those little cells get hungry for more! And yes, curiosity seems to be my middle name........

A million thanks, dear!



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